i have come to the almost end of one week holiday,
2 more weeks to go!
I hope these two weeks never end lol,
time flies as i grow older, dky.
Stop being emo and say about ma holiday '_'
1st day of ma holiday after class, me and cody went daiso and bought some treats.
The mentaiko spaghetti sauce taste terrible,
i better eat in sushi zanmai or sakae instead of cooking it myself.
The junkfood is duper tasty like don't know what when i 1st ate it(probably i'm hungry at the moment -.-)
but after awhile i find myself don't really like nuts flavour.
Miso soup which i haven't drank it,
mama is a good mama who cook soup almost everyday i have no chance to cook my miso @@
Bf insisted to jogging and meet everyday,
except Saturday coz i'm having fast and pray and a break orz(im such a zibi human xp)
Therefore, this is one of the day of our breakfast:
And one week once gaigai, coz my mom is gonna kill me if i gaigai everyday out,
plus we will both bankrupt,
after Wednesday going to paradigm mall i already bankrupt orz,
having his favourite Sukiya steamboat 1st where next week having my try on Chillis,
so this is the meal, we are having shabu shabu and sukiya soup:
Pardon with my capture skill, the angle somehow looks weird i know =_=
It might has to do with my age,
i find myself prefer shabushabu now, coz i suddenly feel sukiya soup is way too salty which old times i prefer sukiya.
And as usual, i love beef! He loves mutton.
Besides, i have dye my hair myself using beaytylabo,
The dye hair process is easy as abc and it looks great, without having color patches on my hair.
This is me before sem break in college toilet,
me before dye hair:
Me after dye hair, tadaaa
Okay seems not much difference, same color except brighter quite a lot,
i chose the wrong color -.-
what i expected was blonde like this:

inspired by fourfeetnine '_'
But now i am orange hair:
Look nothing like the advertisement ==
nothing to expect coz it only cost me RM23, and no patches is fine '_'
After the day i dye my bf go buy another same color and we have couple heads now.
Never thought my hair look so little from the top view:
Okay la i mean, i drop tons of hair every time i washed my hair -.-.
End my post some adorable creatures: