
Five minute

Just a random five minute pure music track,
i found it for my webdesign 2 walkthrough video,
i seldom listen to music, since i went college,
i don't really like music, actually,
it makes me emotional,
i hate the feeling of lossing control of mine (even though i always did lol)

It's depressing.

There're so many things i want to do,
but dare not to do.
Ya, you all are right,
i'm pampered, too much.
Even though i always felt angry if anyone say i'm pampered/don't know anything.
Yeap it's true,
i'm angry,
because i know it's true,
because i'm self-abased,
that's why im angry,
i know it's true,
but i did not make a change,
that's why i'm angry,

I'm angry with myself, that's it.

Ya right, i'm useless, the youngest, no contribution, ya right, because i'm young, ya, right.

I'm worried.
About my future.
How if i can't earn back what i spent.
How if i can't did a good job.
How if.
How if.
Probably, i'm too confident that i can find a cool job.
Probably, i can't.

Left me alone.

